Want Curated Small Business Grants? Introducing the Skip Funding Collections

grants Jun 02, 2023

Looking for grants specific for your demographic, geography, or type of business? Or, alternatively, looking for non-grant funding options for your business and wondering what the best options are for you? We've launched the Skip Funding Collections, a series of pages with curated grant and funding options. This post goes over the pages, how they work, and how you can best use them to help your business get funding and grow.

šŸ“Œ Pro-tip: Become a Skip Plus member and get unlimited access to new funding opportunities, funding reminders, and funding webinars. Start a free 7 day trial.

Screenshot of the Best Small Business Grants Funding Collection on Skip

The Best Small Business Grants Funding Collection

You can see the latest small business grants on the Best Small Business Grants Funding Collection. This is a quick way to see the latest grants discovered and posted by the Skip team. Of course, if you're using the Skip App you can always see the latest Skip grants as well as get notifications about them.

On this small business grants funding collection page, you can also see recent blog posts about grants. These posts typically will help give you tips on how best to apply for grants, explain specific grant programs, or link to other grant and funding resources that can help you.

The Best Grants for Women-Owned Businesses Funding Collection

Are you a women-owned business looking for grant options that are uniquely geared toward you? If so, you can see grants available to women-owned businesses on the Best Women-Owned Business Grants Funding Collection.

This page will also show both deadlines of grant opportunities as well as ongoing or rolling grant opportunities that might be available to you.

The Best Grants for Minority-Owned Businesses Funding Collection

Are you a minority-owned business looking for grant options that you're eligible for or are for minority-owned businesses only? There are plenty of grants available for minority-owned businesses. You can see the latest on the Best Minority-Owned Business Grants Funding Collection.

All of these grant collections are viewable together so if you want to toggle between collections you can. Plus, we're continuing to add collections to better help you find the grant and funding options that are specific to you.

The Best Grant Alternative Funding Options Collection

What if you're looking for funding in a hurry or you want to better control how much funding you get? If so, grants might not be the best option for you ā€” so we've also curated the best grant alternative funding options on our Best Alternative Funding Options for Small Businesses Collection.

These include term loans, lines of credit, and micro loans, along with blog posts to help you better understand some of the tradeoffs when it comes to these financing options.

šŸ“Œ Pro-tip: Become a Skip Plus member and get unlimited access to new funding opportunities, funding reminders, and funding webinars. Start a free 7 day trial.

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