Should You Vote By Mail or Not For the 2020 Election?
It is predicted that around 200 million people in the US will vote in this 2020 election — the most important election in our lifetimes. We're also in the middle of the largest pandemic in 100 years. The question on everyone's mind is: How should I vote? Should I vote by mail? If so, how do I know my mail in ballot will be counted?
Mail In Ballots or In Person Voting: What Is Better?
In the 2016 election, 36% of all 128 million votes were not done on election day in person. They voted by either mail in ballot, absentee ballot, or early voting. The majority of people are surprised by how high this number is.
This year the majority of the US is eligible to mail in voting or to vote by mail. Watch the video below and you'll get all of your questions answered on what's best for you in your state.
What Type of Voting is Allowed in My State?
As of September 2020, 9 states plus DC will automatically send every registered voter a mail-in ballot (green states below). 36 states will allow everyone to request an absentee ballot (purple states). 5 states will only allow absentee voting with a valid excuse that is not COVID-19 (yellow states).

How Do I Know Vote By Mail Isn't Full of Fraud?
As we discuss in the above video, the data shows that there is not vote by mail fraud in the US. It is more likely for a US voter to be struck by lightning than to commit voter fraud. We reference important sources and links in the video. Each state has important protocols in place to make sure that there isn't duplicate or double voting taking place.
How Can I Learn More About Voting by Mail?
We'll continue to publish informational videos so please subscribe to our YouTube channel. We're proud to be one of the most trusted YouTube sources for voting and stimulus related information, especially during the coronavirus pandemic.
There are also many nonprofit organizations that we recommend which provide voter resources. Our favorites include Vote.Org, Verified Voting, Vote 411, Spread the Vote and VoteSmart. You can read about the specialties of each organization in this post.
Thanks for staying informed during this critically important election cycle.
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📌 Request and track your mail-in Ballot for the 2020 Election