Coming Soon — Even More Funding Opportunities
A special preview today on our 2.0 app release that's coming very soon. We've listened to your feedback and we've seen what's been helping you the most — so we're adding more grants, more funding partners, and more funding opportunities. Here's some of what you can expect when this goes live later this month.
More Grants and Funding Tailored To You and Your Business
We're adding a way for you to add more information about your business or side income so we can better tailor grant, loan, and funding opportunities available to you. This will be based on several factors, including your location and type of business — and what we think could be a good match for your funding needs.

Funding Goal Tracking To Better Enable You To Plan
The new funding tracker will also have your existing funding and pending funding — from PPP to EIDL and everything in between. This will allow you to set your yearly funding goal and plan and find opportunities according to your plan. We know many of you are planning ahead this year to maintain or scale your businesses.

More Funding Updates and In-Depth Research to Help You
The last preview for now: Our team of experts continues to grow and that means two things: We'll have more frequent updates for you when it comes to opportunities and we'll have more in-depth research and reporting for you.

We're excited for these major changes and what it can mean for your business growth this year — stay tuned for these changes coming soon!