A Special Thank You To Skip's Supporters
We've passed some big milestones recently — including helping over 10,000 small business owners and entrepreneurs directly with personalized support — and we wanted to say THANK YOU! We grow by word-of-mouth and referrals (and our YouTube videos 😇 ). Whether you've left us a review, told someone else about Skip, or just been a loyal user, we're grateful for your support. Plus, we're closing in on 100K YouTube subscribers. Want to be an early adopter? Hit subscribe.
A special thank you to everyone who's left us reviews too on Trustpilot, the App Store, and Google Play. We've posted a handful of recent reviews from TrustPilot below.
📌 Pro-tip: Today's the last day for our CyberMonday specials! Get 60% off our annual Premium support OR get 1 month free added of our monthly Skip Premium support — you choose!

Want personalized support for your funding?
You've read this far! Try our 1-1 support today, risk-free. It's the last day for these specials:
- Get 60% off our annual Premium support (MOST POPULAR)
- OR get 1 month free added of our monthly Skip Premium support